The string is now lit, running from escaping pit, it swallows all thread as it glows, the I don’ts will walk with the do, as the vows unbreak promises are froze, familiar fiance now extinct, who invited this new person that has arose?, no more tickled bellies or twinkling eyes, now theres only left frowning nose, frightened by this new found stranger, while wearing bruises under her clothes, happiness in a brand new union, it seems now has come to a close, Date nights are a thing of the past, her highlight of the day is communication with the stove, breaking a sweat for his unworthy wants, while he plays poker with his bros, often shes alone in bed, as late nights work consist of his hoes, confronting this behavior, get’s her only shiny diamonds and a thorned rose, inside she builds with anger, infront of guest she smiles with compose, regrets sends depression to her mind, her habits changing in abru[ting flow, but he doesn’t notice, since selfish is his only goal, she ponders vengeful plans, that involves him wearing white tag on toe, no children to miss her presence, since sex he has not at home, she daydreams of his every bone, watching their wedding ta[e, wondering where wrong did it go?, she granted his every wish, and her vows has never sank below, she knows better is outside waiting, for her arrival but to divorce his answer is no, he keeps her on a legal leash, because the needed split forces him to share halving whole, it’s not about missing his companion, it’s the bond that allows him to control, after years she’s determined, to take action for once she’ll show, packing her goodbye kit, leaving planted traps behind, for the ending of his soul, in her hands she has one ticket, for the vacation she’s had on hold, swapping places now she’s first, temporarily he becomes second, mrs sweet is now mrs cold. As her flight takes off in air, the relax she craved is known. 

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